Welcome to Quayside my town by the seaside!
Thank you for visiting my blog and thanks even more if you decide to follow :-) I really do enjoying doing it and love to share my projects with you all! In the village at last count I had 18 houses, 14 little roombox size shops, 3 half houses, and 1 half church (half being just a front!) there's also 1 quarter of a house (just half of a front lol) 2 market stalls, 3 market carts and beach huts on the beach although theres always seems to be room for just one more!
I also have a my 1st house a traditional Victorian manor which is very special as it was bought with money left to me by my beloved Nan. There's also my witches house and a witches shop. I also have a lovely Honeychurch house which is my Christmas shop and house and my latest venture a little vintage cottage. But the bulk of my property empire is Quayside, my little Cornish seaside village full of lovely individual cottages and all its wonderful residents. This has become a real labour of love and has turned me from a Dolls house fan into a complete and utter addict! The links below will take you to each of my houses and I especially hope you enjoy your visit to Quayside :-)
Links to pictures of all my Dolls houses and Cottages in one place!
- Sea View Cottage - Angelas House
- Lavender Cottage - Fisherman Bobs house
- Seashell Cottage - Shabby chic cottage
- The Old Rectory - Vicars House
- Boathouse cottage - Gallery / Seafood eaterie
- Daffodil Cottage - Nursery shop
- Appletree Cottage - Grocery shop / Doctors
- Honeysuckle cottage - Babs Boutique
- Barnacle Cottage - Holiday let / Sewing shop
- Coastguard Cottage - Bakery & Italian bistro
- Lifeboat Cottage - Village Hall
- The Porthole - The Porthole B & B
- Anchor Cottage- Fishermans house / Staceys Boudoir
- Forget me Not Cottage - Rest Home
- Wishes and Dishes - Bridal and china shop
- Captains Rest - Village Pub
- Beach Cottage - 50's Ice cream parlour
- Crabpot Cottage - Crabpot cafe
- Sweet Pea Cottage - Shabby chic shop
- Sea Thrift Cottage - Quayside Candy box
- Sea Thistle Cottage - The Cupcakery Bakery
- Rose Cottage - Flower shop
- Butterfly Cottage - Knitting Pretty wool shop
- Meadow Cottage -Quayside Cutz Hairdressers
- Crabpot Cottage - Seaside cafe
- Bamboo Cottage - Chinese Takeaway
- Celandine Cottage - Junk Shop
- The Village Toilets
- Bernies Bike Shop
- The fish and chip shop
- St Benets parish Church
- The Beach
- Quayside Village Pictures
- The village market - Stans Seafood/Franks mighty meat cart
- Christmas Cottage - Christmas shop and house
- Broomstick Cottage - Witches cottage
- Hocus Pocus - Witches shop
- Hardbroom Manor - Victorian house/My first house!
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Filling up the china shop, flowers and glowing pumpkins!
I had placed a long counter across the back with the till on but figured if I turned that sideways I could add another shelf unit above it and fill it with much more stock!
I filled the shelves with all the china I could find so now there is certainly plenty of stock!! More bunting of course! it gets everywhere lol I love the stuff and make in in every colour to match my houses!!
I even had some little oyster dishes perfect for some lovely fresh seaside oysters caught by Fisherman Bob! Oops the pink tea pot is a bit tipsy! I hate that when you take a photo and don't notice lol!!
I made a little table just big enough for the till and light to replace it which is just fine.
I also put all the lovely flowers that I bought from Julie on the shelves outside the flower shop. They look wonderful! what a lovely display and lots of bouquets and of course the Easter window!
Lastly I had seen some lovely light up pumpkins on Ebay but they were quite expensive so I resisted temptation. I remembered some cheap plastic ones that I had got with some baskets a little while ago from Ebay that I had just chucked to one side as they weren't that great! But as they were hollow I had an idea to cut the top off and add a light and make my own light up one for the witches house! It looks just fab its so bright and is a perfect outdoor light for Broomstick Cottage!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
The CrabPot Cafe!
Bethany of course made the signs and it was her idea to swap the name over with the green shop so we could call in the Crabpot Cafe! She made all the signs you see inside including the menu board. It even has a belly buster breakfast just for my Dad!! :-)
I made the little blind on the door just to add a splash of colour.
I needed a little unit to put the coffee machine on and it was easier to make something the exact size than to try and find it! I added a couple of shelves underneath just for extra display items.
I spent all afternoon making little cushions and bunting, I prob overdid the bunting but I just love it, it adds so much colour!
I had a lovely bead curtain I bought on Ebay last week and had put in on the door, but it was difficult to open and close it. I had an idea to make a false door at the back to imply it lead to the kitchen and with the curtain there you can see it much better. It was ever so slightly too wide and I didn't want to cut it so just added a bead to the piece of ply and hooked it over which solved the problem.
I made the shelf and the cutlery box was made from a milk crate!
I love how its turned out it looks like a proper little seaside cafe! The lease wasn't available for long property moves fast in Quayside! I had to do just one pic without the flash it always has a real look about it I think!
I hope you like it! It will be my last time in Quayside for a little while as we are opening the caravan up next week so will be spending some time up there as the Easter holidays start tomorrow and that means a houseful for 2 weeks! Hope you all have a lovely Easter whatever your up to!! Paula xx
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Welcome to Upper Quayside!
Unpacked it all when I got back so find they had all arrived safely plus the extra little things like the wonderful flowers that I had also bought from Julie. I have been very busy the past few days setting up the shops and deciding which was the best order to have them in. I now have a really sore neck from moving them around 20 times before I decided! They look amazing! It was just a spark of an idea to make a space for a few more cottages and even I never imagined just how good they would look! Julie really has to take all the credit as she really has the most amazing way of turning dreams into reality!!
I decided to put the pink one which is called Sweet Pea Cottage on the end as its the very slightly smallest of the 3. I have been busy making lots of lovely things to fill it with so was just a case of fitting the chandelier which I love!! and popping everything else in. Its so pretty and feminine I love it! Bethany of course made all my signs and she decided on the name for this one.
Next is Crabpot Cottage which is a little farm/supplies shop. I have just used a few things I already had to hand and I made the white shelf unit this afternoon. It needs a bit more stock but at least the residents of Quayside now have somewhere to do a little shopping.
I could also just about fit the Harbour Hut on the end of the shelf so that gives me Ocean View a whole extra shop to fill! At the moment I am not sure what to do with it so its just up for lease til a new owner comes along!
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Seashell Cottage's new fireplace
This will make you laugh! I had to make the bunting twice as when I took the pics the large candle looked too much like a large something else (wink wink) I wont say what! so anyway I melted it a little more and in the process set fire to the bunting what a numpty!! Anyway made it again so it all turned out fine in the end and looks much more suitable for a seaside Cottage!!
I decided I just had to sort them out everytime I looked at them I could just see something else! Then the 1st thing my daughter said when she saw it was 'Mum that looks like a ***** and the 2 round candles in front are really not helping!
So I flattened the tops off and now they look a little less x-rated!! Had to include a little pic of the dog I got today! A lady who I buy things from on Ebay made it for me and it really captures my little dog its so cute I love it!
Also just had to try out my chandelier it really is so lovely Ebay really can be great for finding some really beautiful things!
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
A driftwood fireplace and a counter for the shabby chic shop!
I made the basic shape and then thought I would have a go at doing a tiled effect with some white air drying Fimo I got free last week. I tried to make it not look too neat as I wanted it to feel rustic and rather than too perfect! I have to wait til tomorrow for it to dry (which kills me! I have the patience of a flea!!) and then I will paint the whole thing, apart from the plinth, white.
I even made a little dish for some pot pourri from the scraps of clay that were left which I nearly threw in the bin! I have made a nice little selection of candles and sorted out some shells to decorate but for now I just need to leave it alone til tomorrow lol!!
I also decorated a little wire desk and chair I got from Ebay the other day. It was very cheap and just what I wanted! Its going to be a desk/counter for the shabby chic shop as I didn't want a wooden counter as you will only see the back of it which wouldn't be very exciting. I figured if I used the desk it would look just as pretty from both sides. I made most of the little accessories including the little cash tin as I didn't want a big till! I have so much stuff for this little shop I hope it all fits!!!
The chandelier arrived that I won on Ebay at the weekend and its really beautiful I'm so pleased with it! Can't wait to see it all lit up. I took another photo so you can see it more clearly. Thats the view I have from Dollyland, as you can see theres not much going on where I live lol!
Off subject now but I just couldn't resist showing you a cute pic of my doggies! Maya the Lhasa has her own beanbag in Dollyland as she is always in there with me, but today Sandy the cocker spaniel decided she was coming in too. Put out at losing her spot Maya simply climbed on the top and they both lay there enjoying the sun coming through the window! It just made me laugh so much I had to take a photo!!